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Germany YTONG technology advancement of AAC aspect(2)

Author:manager   Time:2017-03-22 20:14:21 Hits:93 Tags:

3、Advance concept of machinery equipment

Infinite pursuit of equipment life, high precision, select high-grade steel, high-grade purchased parts, assemblies and as far as possible to ensure equipment compatibility, the average life of equipment 30 - 50 years

Realize one machine at a reasonable process layout multi-purpose, highly efficient and stable situation in the supporting automation, while achieving output product diversification, focus on 'everything for the best output AAC' product concept

Main Frame color is beige, bright yellow moving parts, transmission or rotating part is red, overall color ergonomic, in addition to active and passive safety measures appropriate

Summary: machinery manufacturing is the lifeblood of the German nation, they also excel in the field of AAC

4、 Advanced Automation

Each German factory single class is usually about six people, job content usually just to operate a computer or to conduct an inspection. Unlike the plant DCS centralized control, AAC factory operating room is usually set 2-3 for the industry more

Full automation and process layout is more closely related to fine tip required equipment for protection, in order to ensure low failure rate, accurate digitization

Summary: the 'Big Data' factories provide a platform to go in the 'Industry 4.0' on the road

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